April 2020

Now you can track the sentiment for a company, brand, or industry over time. For example, the following query will show only articles that are negative towards Apple Inc, sorted by date:
type:Article tags.{uri:"http://diffbot.com/entity/CHb0_0NEcMwyY8b083taTTw" sentiment<0.0} sortBy:date.timestamp

Or, count the number of negative/positive articles by day/week/month for the last 365 days/52 weeks/12 months. For example, the following query shows the number of articles that are positive towards Apple Inc grouped by week:
type:Article tags.{uri:"http://diffbot.com/entity/CHb0_0NEcMwyY8b083taTTw" sentiment>0.0} facet[week]:date

Article Search has also been added to the Diffbot Excel Add-In. If you haven't installed the Add-In yet, try it out in Office365 or on your desktop. Download it here.