Excel version

  • Enhance V3 - we added an option to configure the number of matches/outputs returned per input, e.g. org name + homepage as input: specify return 1 match or 3 matches.
  • Enhance V3 - we added an option to configure the acceptable match threshold. You can now specify a minimum threshold for the inclusion of an entity match/output.
  • View a Diffbot entity regardless of the Excel Add-in status.
  • Saved Searches - you can now save and load DQL queries from the Add-In. These queries are synchronized with the Diffbot Dashboard.

Enhance API Updates

by Jerome Choo

EnhanceAPI version v3

As part of API version v3, the following functionality is now available:

  1. Fetch more than 1 result for an enhance query with &size=n query parameter:
  2. Specify the threshold score with &threshold=d query parameter: https://kg.diffbot.com/kg/v3/enhance_endpoint?token=DIFFBOT-TOKEN&type=organization&name=DummyName&url=www.ibm.com&threshold=0.1&size=3
  3. Head top-n bulkjob records for preview with &head=n query parameter: https://kg.diffbot.com/kg/v3/enhance_endpoint/bulk/BULKJOB-ID?token=DIFFBOT-TOKEN&head=10
  4. Bulkjob response format changed to jsonl from json (Content-Type: application/json-lines). Each enhanced record is on a separate line in the response. This, coupled with the head parameter enables clients to scale up more fluidly for large bulkjobs.

The API spec is available at docs.diffbot.com

Bulkjob retention

Bulkjob retention period has been increased from 7 days to 30 days.

Deprecation of API versions v1 and v2

API versions v1 and v2 are now deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the product. Please plan to migrate.

Enhance API Updates

by Jerome Choo

EnhanceAPI version v3

As part of API version v3, the following functionality is now available:

  1. Fetch more than 1 result for an enhance query with &size=n query parameter:
  2. Specify the threshold score with &threshold=d query parameter: https://kg.diffbot.com/kg/v3/enhance_endpoint?token=DIFFBOT-TOKEN&type=organization&name=DummyName&url=www.ibm.com&threshold=0.1&size=3
  3. Head top-n bulkjob records for preview with &head=n query parameter: https://kg.diffbot.com/kg/v3/enhance_endpoint/bulk/BULKJOB-ID?token=DIFFBOT-TOKEN&head=10
  4. Bulkjob response format changed to jsonl from json (Content-Type: application/json-lines). Each enhanced record is on a separate line in the response. This, coupled with the head parameter enables clients to scale up more fluidly for large bulkjobs.

The API spec is available at docs.diffbot.com

Bulkjob retention

Bulkjob retention period has been increased from 7 days to 30 days.

Deprecation of API versions v1 and v2

API versions v1 and v2 are now deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the product. Please plan to migrate.

September 2020

by Jerome Choo

Industries/Category Updates

We've improved mapping to NAICS (93% industries covered) classifications for Org entities and updated our industries categories structure and label set.

Main updates (267 industries):

Added Retailers as main industry sector (+30 sub-industries)
Grouped the new industries categories list by major industry groups
Differentiated some specific cases.

E.g.: Furniture Companies --> (1) Furniture Manufacturers, (2) Furniture Retailers

     Jewelry Companies -->   (1) Jewelry Manufacturers, (2) Jewelry Retailers

     Toy Companies  -->   (1) Toy Manufacturers, (2) Toy And Video Game Retailers

     Vehicle Parts -->   (1) Vehicle Parts Manufacturers, (2) Automotive Part Retailers

     Motor Vehicle Manufacturers -->   (1) Motor Vehicle Manufacturers, (2) Vehicle Retailers And Dealership
    Sporting Goods Manufacturers -->   (1) Sporting Goods Manufacturers, (2) Sporting Goods Retailers

The Diffbot AccountAPI returns the usage for the supplied token, and a list of child tokens. However, it previously did not return a usage array for each child token. We added support for a parameter, childUsage, that will return the usage of the child tokens.

Excel Add-In v1.6

by Jerome Choo

A new Excel add-in version (1.6.x) is available in production (available at office.com & desktop)

What's new?

  • Added to Organization output: NAICs, zip codes, and phone numbers.
  • Minor design changes and bug fixes.
  • New 'Help' tab, tutorials, docs, and getting started videos.

August 2020

by Jerome Choo

We've launched the Diffbot Event API BETA designed to facilitate the extraction of online and in-person event data for individual events. Support for multi-day, multi-track events, i.e. full conferences and festivals, is planned for a future release.

To try out the API directly, insert your token into this API call:
or use the Analyze API.

The BETA program enables you to extract data for

July 2020

by Jerome Choo

A new Excel add-in version ( is available in production (available at office.com & for your desktop ). What's new?

  • Match score is part of Enhance output (data enrichment)
  • Search articles by sentiment (Article-level filter)
  • Pull query parameter values from a designated spreadsheet
  • Drag and drop in the outputs tab to reorder columns returned

Support for Deep Pagination: streaming KG search results. You are now able to remove the 1000 result limit on KG queries. For Example:

curl -s "https://kg.diffbot.com/kg/v2/dql_endpoint/stream?token=TOKEN&size=1500&query=type:Organization%20nbEmployeesMax%3E2%20nbEmployeesMax%3C10%20location.country.name:%22Venezuela%22" > stream.es.jsonl


curl -s "https://kg.diffbot.com/kg/v2/dql_endpoint/stream?token=TOKEN&size=1500&query=type:Article%20tags.uri:%22https://diffbot.com/entity/BEAlC2Xn3M16WkrunMNhqvw%22%20publisherRegion:'North%20America'" > stream.gb.jsonl

April 2020

by Jerome Choo

Now you can track the sentiment for a company, brand, or industry over time. For example, the following query will show only articles that are negative towards Apple Inc, sorted by date:
type:Article tags.{uri:"http://diffbot.com/entity/CHb0_0NEcMwyY8b083taTTw" sentiment<0.0} sortBy:date.timestamp

Or, count the number of negative/positive articles by day/week/month for the last 365 days/52 weeks/12 months. For example, the following query shows the number of articles that are positive towards Apple Inc grouped by week:
type:Article tags.{uri:"http://diffbot.com/entity/CHb0_0NEcMwyY8b083taTTw" sentiment>0.0} facet[week]:date

Article Search has also been added to the Diffbot Excel Add-In. If you haven't installed the Add-In yet, try it out in Office365 or on your desktop. Download it here.

March 2020

by Jerome Choo

Announcing the Diffbot Google Sheets integration for the Diffbot Knowledge Graph! Now you can search the graph and enrich your data from within a GSheet (you may need to coordinate with your IT team if you are using a corporate/office-sponsored Google Suite account vs. a personal one).

We also made an update to the AccountAPI to ease management and tracking of the usage of your Diffbot services including entities downloaded and credits consumed.