Create or Update a Custom API

Create or update the parameters and ruleset of an existing Custom API

A Custom API starts as either an extension of an existing Extract API (allowing you to override or correct data returned from it), or as a blank canvas API with which rules can be given.

To create or edit a Custom API, go to the Diffbot Dashboard and select "Custom APIs" on the left navigation. Here you can view a list of APIs you have created. Click an existing API to edit it, or click "Create New" on the top right hand corner of the screen to create a new one.

When creating an API you will see this screen:

Select an existing Extract API to extend, or select "Custom" to start with a blank canvas.

Adding Rules

Once created, you may add rules in the form of CSS selectors and Javascript to extract content. You may use the UI to create your custom rules, or edit them via API. For a more in-depth understanding of how Custom API rules work, see Custom API Rulesets.

Your new API will be ready immediately, either for individual calls, your own app integration, or from within Crawl or Bulk APIs.

Custom APIs use Diffbot's cloud-based rendering engine, and fully execute most page-level Javascript in order to access Ajax-delivered elements.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!