Attributes available to event entities in the Knowledge Graph.
The Event entity type encompasses webinars, meet ups, conferences, and other events known to the Knowledge Graph.
Note that fields are not guaranteed to exist in every entity record.
For convenience, a complete ontology source in JSON format is also available here.
New to the Diffbot Knowledge Graph? Start here.
Event Fields
- allDescriptions
- allNames
- allOriginHashes
- allUriDetails
- allUris
- categories
- crawlTimestamp
- description
- descriptors
- diffbotUri
- endDateTime
- humanLanguage
- id
- image
- images
- importance
- location
- locations
- name
- nbIncomingEdges
- nbOrigins
- nonCanonicalFacts
- onlineLink
- originDetails
- origins
- sponsors
- startDateTime
- summary
- tags
- timezone
- timezoneOffset
- type
- types
- venue
- wikipediaPageviews
- wikipediaPageviewsGrowth
- wikipediaPageviewsLastQuarter
- wikipediaPageviewsLastQuarterGrowth
- wikipediaPageviewsLastYear
- wikipediaPageviewsLastYearGrowth
Event Field Details
Note that certain longer field examples may be truncated for readability.
All descriptions found for this entity. For the best description, refer to the field 'description'.
- Type: String
- Example:
"allDescriptions": [
"Talent Connect is LinkedIn’s game-changing annual customer conference. The 10-year anniversary of the talent community coming together will be the best one yet. For 3 days, you and 4,000+ like-minded customers will hear inspiring speakers, ignite your passion for building winning teams and changing people’s lives, and kick back with friends at Instagram-worthy parties."
All names used, including nicknames, full names and transliterations to other languages.
- Type: String
- Example:
"allNames": [
"Talent Connect 2019"
For Diffbot's internal use only.
- Type: String
- Example:
"allOriginHashes": [
Additional information about each URI in 'allUris', which lists the URIs associated with this entity.
- Type: UriDetails
- Example:
"allUriDetails": [
"domainMonthlyTrafficGrowth": "",
"domainMonthlyTraffic": 0,
"redirectsTo": "",
"nbFollowing": 0,
"uriType": "",
"verified": false,
"nbLinkedAccounts": 0,
"nbFollowers": 0,
"httpCodeTimestamp": 0,
"httpCode": "",
"uri": ""
All URIs associated with an entity. A URI (uniform resource identifier) is a page on the web that describes an entity (e.g., an company's homepage or a person's social network profile).
- Type: URL
- Example:
"allUris": [
Array of categories which represent the abstract subject of the entity
- Type: KGCategory
- Example:
"categories": [
"score": "",
"name": "",
"id": ""
The default crawlTimestamp is the most recent date of all of the crawlTimestamps of the origins used to compute the Entity, returned as a UNIX time.
- Type: Integer
- Example:
"crawlTimestamp": 1728975619
A few sentences describing an entity
- Type: String
- Example:
"description": "Talent Connect is LinkedIn’s game-changing annual customer conference. The 10-year anniversary of the talent community coming together will be the best one yet. For 3 days, you and 4,000+ like-minded customers will hear inspiring speakers, ignite your passion for building winning teams and changing people’s lives, and kick back with friends at Instagram-worthy parties."
A list of free-form keywords describing this entity
- Type: String
- Example:
"descriptors": ""
diffbotUri is the URI an entity's (URI), which is defined by appending the Diffbot ID to the URL https://diffbot.com/entity/. For example, Diffbot's entityID is CWSwJ_SWQPfqO3HQsxY4lGg and its DiffbotUri is https://diffbot.com/entity/CWSwJ_SWQPfqO3HQsxY4lGg
- Type: URL
- Example:
"diffbotUri": "http://diffbot.com/entity/EO6ZAJFLkMXGusaTAzKwXMQ"
Event start date and time in GMT
- Type: DDateTime
- Example:
"endDateTime": {
"str": "d2019-09-27T00:00",
"precision": 4,
"timestamp": 1569542400000
Refers to the language in which the event is published
- Type: Language
- Example:
"humanLanguage": {}
An alphanumeric string like CWSwJ_SWQPfqO3HQsxY4lGg that uniquely identifies an entity.
- Type: String
- Example:
The main image used to represent the entity.
- Type: String
- Example:
"image": ""
The visual representation of an entity usually in the form of a png, jpeg, gif, or svg file.
- Type: ImageField
- Example:
"images": [
"classifications": "",
"fingerprint": "",
"title": "",
"isCached": false,
"url": ""
A number between 0 and 100 indicating how important or popular an entity is.
- Type: Float
- Example:
"importance": 1.671032190322876
The location of the event.
- Type: Location
- Example:
"location": {
"venue": "",
"country": {
"summary": "",
"image": "",
"images": [
"classifications": "",
"fingerprint": "",
"title": "",
"isCached": false,
"url": ""
"types": "",
"diffbotUri": "",
"name": "",
"targetDiffbotUri": ""
"address": "",
"city": {
"summary": "",
"image": "",
"images": [
"classifications": "",
"fingerprint": "",
"title": "",
"isCached": false,
"url": ""
"types": "",
"diffbotUri": "",
"name": "",
"targetDiffbotUri": ""
"subregion": {
"summary": "",
"image": "",
"images": [
"classifications": "",
"fingerprint": "",
"title": "",
"isCached": false,
"url": ""
"types": "",
"diffbotUri": "",
"name": "",
"targetDiffbotUri": ""
"latitude": "",
"precision": "",
"postalCode": "",
"locationType": [],
"surfaceForm": "",
"poBox": "",
"isCurrent": false,
"estimatedValue": {
"currency": "",
"value": ""
"occupancyType": "",
"isPrimary": false,
"street": "",
"metroArea": {
"summary": "",
"image": "",
"images": [
"classifications": "",
"fingerprint": "",
"title": "",
"isCached": false,
"url": ""
"types": "",
"diffbotUri": "",
"name": "",
"targetDiffbotUri": ""
"estimatedEquity": {
"currency": "",
"value": ""
"region": {
"summary": "",
"image": "",
"images": [
"classifications": "",
"fingerprint": "",
"title": "",
"isCached": false,
"url": ""
"types": "",
"diffbotUri": "",
"name": "",
"targetDiffbotUri": ""
"rawAdministrativeArea": {
"summary": "",
"image": "",
"images": [
"classifications": "",
"fingerprint": "",
"title": "",
"isCached": false,
"url": ""
"types": "",
"diffbotUri": "",
"name": "",
"targetDiffbotUri": ""
"longitude": ""
- Type: Location
- Example:
"locations": [
"country": {
"name": "United States",
"type": "AdministrativeArea"
"isCurrent": true,
"address": "Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, Dallas, Texas, TX, USA",
"city": {
"name": "Dallas",
"type": "AdministrativeArea"
"isPrimary": true,
"street": "Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center",
"subregion": {
"name": "Texas",
"type": "AdministrativeArea"
"surfaceForm": "Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, Dallas, Texas, TX, USA",
"region": {
"name": "TX",
"type": "AdministrativeArea"
Primary text label for this entity.
- Type: String
- Example:
"name": "Talent Connect 2019"
This is the number of edges in the Knowledge Graph that point to this entity. For example, the nbIncomingEdges field for Google is over 100,000. This number includes the number of people that work at google, the number of investors who invested in google, etc.
- Type: Integer
- Example:
"nbIncomingEdges": 0
Total number of origins in the field 'origins'. This field is only available in extended JSON mode.
- Type: Integer
- Example:
"nbOrigins": 1
Enumerates all the non-canonical fields (i.e., those not defined in the ontology) that have a value for this entity. For instance, if 'numberOfChildren' is listed in 'nonCanonicalFacts' then the entity JSON will have the key 'numberOfChildren' with an associated value. This field is only provided when the parameter nonCanonicalFacts=1 is set. See: https://docs.diffbot.com/kgapi
- Type: String
- Example:
"nonCanonicalFacts": ""
- Type: String
- Example:
"onlineLink": ""
Additional information about origins listed in 'origins', including the latest time it was crawled. This field is only available in extended JSON mode.
- Type: OriginDetail
- Example:
"originDetails": [
"crawledAt": {
"str": "",
"precision": 0,
"timestamp": 0
"origin": ""
An origin is a web address where Diffbot found one or more facts about an entity. This field is only available in extended JSON mode.
- Type: String
- Example:
"origins": [
- Type: LinkedEntity
- Example:
"sponsors": [
"summary": "",
"image": "",
"images": [
"classifications": "",
"fingerprint": "",
"title": "",
"isCached": false,
"url": ""
"types": "",
"diffbotUri": "",
"name": "",
"targetDiffbotUri": ""
Event start date and time in GMT
- Type: DDateTime
- Example:
"startDateTime": {
"str": "d2019-09-25T00:00",
"precision": 4,
"timestamp": 1569369600000
A short phrase designed to disambiguate entities with the same or similar name
- Type: String
- Example:
"summary": ""
Array of tags/entities, generated from analysis of the extracted text and cross-referenced with DBpedia and other data sources. Language-specific tags will be returned if the source text is in English, Chinese, French, German, Spanish or Russian.
- Type: KGTag
- Example:
"tags": [
"score": "",
"sentiment": "",
"types": "",
"count": 0,
"label": "",
"uri": ""
IANA Timezone
- Type: String
- Example:
"timezone": ""
Timezone offset from GMT
- Type: String
- Example:
"timezoneOffset": ""
The top-level type of a Diffbot entity. Examples of type include Person, Organization, Article, Product.
- Type: Type
- Example:
"type": "Event"
All types of a Diffbot entity, including the value of the field 'type'.
- Type: String
- Example:
"types": [
- Type: String
- Example:
"venue": ""
The number of views of its Wikipedia page of the last month if it exists.
- Type: Integer
- Example:
"wikipediaPageviews": 0
The month over month growth of wikipediaPageviews, where we count the increment of the number of page views of the second to last (full) month, compared with that of the last (full) month. if today was Aug 16th, 2022, the last complete month is July. So it refers to the increment from June to July, i.e., ( f(July) - f(June) ) ÷ f(June) x 100%. The f(.) only counts the first 28 days of a month, to avoid fluctuations between 31-days months like Jan and 28(29)-days months like Feb.
- Type: Float
- Example:
"wikipediaPageviewsGrowth": ""
The number of views of its Wikipedia page of the last quarter if it exists.
- Type: Integer
- Example:
"wikipediaPageviewsLastQuarter": 0
The quarter over quarter growth of wikipediaPageviews, where we count the increment of the number of page views of the second to last (full) quarter, compared with that of the last (full) quarter. If today was Aug 16th, 2022, the last complete quarter is Q2 (April, May, June). So it refers to the increment from Q1 to Q2, i.e., ( f(Q2) - f(Q1) ) ÷ f(Q1) x 100%.
- Type: Float
- Example:
"wikipediaPageviewsLastQuarterGrowth": ""
The number of views of its Wikipedia page of the last year if it exists.
- Type: Integer
- Example:
"wikipediaPageviewsLastYear": 0
The year over year growth of wikipediaPageviews, where we count the monthly-rolling increment of the year before last than the last year. It today was Aug 16th, 2022, it is computed by comparing the numbers from Aug 2021 to July 2022 and from Aug 2020 to July 2021, i.e., ( f(Aug 2021 to July 2022) - f(Aug 2020 to July 2021) ) ÷ f(Aug 2020 to July 2021) x 100%.
- Type: Float
- Example:
"wikipediaPageviewsLastYearGrowth": ""
Updated 5 months ago